Did you know that dental implants are frequently the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth? Rather than resting on the gum line like removable dentures, or sacrificing adjacent teeth to be used as anchors like fixed bridges, dental implants are long-term replacements that your oral and maxillofacial surgeon surgically places in the jaw bone. Dental implants are the most natural, stable, and permanent option for replacing missing teeth.
Options For Replacing Missing Teeth
Statistics show that 69% of adults ages 35-44 are missing at least one tooth due to trauma, gum disease, a failed root canal, or tooth decay. In addition, 26% of adults have lost all of their permanent teeth at 74 years of age.
Years ago, these patients would have only had the option for a fixed bridge, or a removable partial denture to restore their ability to eat, speak clearly, and smile. Fixed bridges and removable dentures, however, are not the perfect solution and often bring with them a number of other problems. Removable dentures may move or cause clicking sounds while eating or speaking. Even worse, fixed bridges often affect adjacent healthy teeth, and removable dentures may lead to bone loss in the area where teeth are missing. Due to recurrent decay, gum disease, and bone loss, fixed bridges and removable dentures usually require replacement every 5-15 years. Additionally, if one of the supporting teeth needs to be removed, the area then has two teeth needing replacement.
Today, there is a better option for patients missing permanent teeth: dental implants. Dental implants are long-term replacements that your oral surgeon surgically places into the jaw bone. After healing, bone will fuse to the dental implant through a process called “osseointegration.” After healing and placement of the restoration, these dental implants provide patients with a natural, long-term, and comfortable replacement for any missing teeth.
After more than 20 years of service, the vast majority of dental implants first placed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the United States continue to function at peak performance. More importantly, the recipients of those early implants are still satisfied they made the right choice. If properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime. For more information, please visit www.nobelbiocare.com.
Understanding Dental Implants
The dental implants themselves are tiny titanium posts, which are surgically inserted into the jawbone where teeth are missing, and they ultimately act as tooth root substitutes. Small posts are then attached to the dental implant, which protrude through the gums. These posts provide stable anchors for artificial replacement teeth. Dental implants also help preserve facial structure and prevent bone deterioration that occurs when teeth are missing.
Dental Implants Vs. Conventional Dentures
Patients who are suffering from edentulism (total loss of teeth), have many options to consider regarding oral rehabilitation. Conventional dentures are often uncomfortable, unstable, and make people feel and look older than they are. Further, conventional dentures may contribute to the loss of bone in the area where teeth are missing. This ongoing process leads to loss of denture retention, facial aging, and can restrict the everyday pleasure of eating. For edentulous patients, dental implants can dramatically change their quality of life. Acting as anchors for replacement teeth. The dental implants greatly enhance stability, retention, and comfort. Moreover, they restore patient confidence when they eat, laugh, and smile.
There are a variety of treatment options for edentulous patients, including removable, implant-retained overdentures, or fixed teeth supported by dental implants. With the advanced “New Teeth Today®” protocol, patients are able to leave the office after their surgical appointment with immediate, esthetic, functional, teeth often requiring no incision, no sutures, and little post-operative swelling or discomfort. Even in patients with some remaining teeth that are compromised, the “New Teeth Today®” protocol enables your oral surgeon at Berks Oral Surgery + Dental Implant Center to remove the failing teeth, place implants, and with your general dentist, insert a fixed, non-removable prosthetic immediately. That can function nearly as well as your original dentition.
Dental Implant Surgery
For most patients, the placement of dental implants involves two surgical procedures. First, dental implants are placed within your jawbone. For the first few months following surgery, the dental implants are beneath the surface of the gums gradually bonding with the jawbone. You should be able to wear temporary dentures and eat a regular diet during this time.
After the dental implant has bonded to the jawbone, the second phase begins. Your surgeon will uncover the dental implants and attach small posts, which will act as anchors for the artificial teeth. These posts protrude through the gums, When the artificial teeth are placed, these posts will not be seen. The entire procedure usually takes three to four months. Most patients experience minimal disruption in their daily life.
Some patients may have concerns regarding the surgical nature of dental implants. Many of our implant patients have reported minimal discomfort throughout the process. Moreover the surgeons at Berks Oral Surgery are experienced and qualified in the delivery of IV sedation and general anesthesia, to improve your experience if necessary.
Surgical Advances
Using the most recent advances in dental implant technology, the doctors at Berks Oral Surgery are able to place single stage implants. These dental implants do not require a second procedure to uncover them, but do require a minimum of six weeks of healing time before artificial teeth are placed. There are even situations where the dental implants can be placed at the same time as a tooth extraction – further minimizing the number of surgical procedures. Advances in dental implant technology have made it possible, in select cases, to extract teeth and place dental implants with crowns at one visit. This procedure, called “immediate loading,” greatly simplifies the surgical process.
Berks Oral Surgery Can Restore Your Confidence In Eating, Laughing, And Smiling!
The surgeons at Berks Oral Surgery + Dental Implant Center are experts in dental implants — the most natural, stable, and permanent option for replacing missing teeth. Even more, they are trained and certified to provide the life-changing New Teeth Today® procedure. To learn more about dental implant treatment, please contact our Treatment Coordination Team at [email protected] or 610-374-4093 (select option 5).